A branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and El Paso

Two pairs of hands holding a decorative chain

Heirs to the Throne

Crown Princess Adrien

Crown Prince Hawkrill

Crown Prince Hawkrill and Crown Princess Adrien
Photo by Curia Phaidra

Crown Princess Adrien is allergic to roses.

Her Royal Highness prefers daisies in place of roses.


Their Royal Highnesses


Icon for the crown prince


His Royal Highness, Hawkrill

Color Preferences: black, grey, blue

Allergies: None

Food, Drink and General

Likes: Nutterbuters, Pepsi and long walks on the beach

Dislikes: Large onions, mustard

Her Royal Highness, Adrien

Persona: I dress for the weather

Colors preferences: Green, Teal, Orange, Grey, Black

Food, Drink and General

Likes: Meat and cheese trays , crackers, fruit, broccoli, Iced Carmel macchiato, Peach or black cherry white claws, Dr pepper, Lemonade

Dislikes: Onions, Chocolate, licorice


Any thing wearable, We love creative or art projects


Princess’s Protector
Lord Buggius dei Medici