A branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and El Paso

People eating feast during a court in a decorated hall

Open Officer Positions

  • Social Media Officer

    Position Description Office of the Seneschal Do you enjoy working with a team to create engaging stories and grow online communities? The kingdom is currently seeking a Social Media Officer […]

  • Kingdom Services Deputy (Web Ministry)

    The Web Ministry is seeking a deputy to help support branch web ministers and the OSP.

  • Kingdom DEIB Officer

    The Outlands is seeking a new Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer. If you are interested, please submit a Letter of Intent, including both SCA and modern qualifications by August […]

  • Kingdom Seneschal

    Position Description Office of the Seneschal Applications for the next Outlands Seneschal / Regional Vice President for Operations are open from June 1st, 2024 – November 1st, 2024. This vital […]

  • Kingdom Equestrian Marshal LOIs

    The Outlands Kingdom Earl Marshal is currently seeking candidates for the position of Deputy Marshal for Equestrian (Kingdom Equestrian Officer, KEO). Applications for the office will be accepted through January […]

  • Local Branch Herald

    The local herald is your average Member’s first contact with the College of Heralds, advising folks on the process of registering their names and devices. Even those without Awards of […]

  • Fretty/Lieber/Trefoil Herald

    The Outlands is not alone in the Knowne World, and to ensure that all submissions have been thoroughly vetted, we have three heralds who are charged with reviewing the submissions […]

  • Stag’s Attire

    This Herald is charged with increasing the heraldic display within the kingdom, helping to heighten the pageantry which allows the SCA to crossover fully from the Mundane World. Encouraging folks […]

  • Plover Herald

    This Herald is charged with increasing the town- and tournament-crying within the kingdom, helping to heighten the pageantry which allows the SCA to crossover fully from the Mundane World. Knowing […]

  • Gold Castle Herald

    This Herald is charged with collecting the local heraldic submissions from all their branches, and checking for completeness. They work closely with Rampart Herald to produce the Internal Letter of […]