A branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and El Paso

Adding wax seals to a scroll

Office of the Chronicler

Chroniclers produce the official newsletter for a group. How could a history group not have records?

The Outlandish Herald (OH) is the official newsletter for the Kingdom of the Outlands. It advertises events held across the kingdom while also publishing kingdom law changes and other official business. It is also often a place for kingdom officers and others to publish their words when space allows.

To submit an article for an event please login to this website and go to https://www.outlands.org/outlandish-herald-online-submission-form to fill out the form with the required information.

Download the OH at http://members.sca.org. You must be a paid member of the SCA to have access.

If you wish to correct information published, have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Office of the Chronicler at chronicler@outlands.org.


Kingdom Chronicler

The Honorable Lord Nicolae Rares 

Have an event announcement or an article?