A branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and El Paso

The Feast of St. Edrik

Hosted by the

October 5 @ 9:00 am 9:00 pm

Icon for the king
Icon for the queen of the outlands

The Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass invites all to come together to share in merriment with old and new friends. A feast celebrating the Barony’s birthday and the memory of Blessed St Edrik (Patron Saint of Squires and Children born with Extremely Large Noses) has been called by Their Excellencies Carlos and Joella.

Event Stewards

m’Lady Gina of the Citadel and THL Emrys Ap Gwalchmei


Adult event and feast registration $25
Adult Member event and feast registration $15

Under 17 free

Cash or Checks made out to “SCA Inc Citadel of the Southern Pass” will be the only options for payment

Open Gate Community Church of the Nazarene

9821 McCombs St
El Paso, Texas 79924 United States
+ Google Map

Progress Key

Icon for the king


Icon for the queen of the outlands


Icon for the crown prince

Crown Prince

Icon for the crown princess

Crown Princess